Cool Off With Ice Cream Desserts
I scream; you scream...we all scream for ice cream! It's July--National Ice Cream Month--and we're pretty sure a whole month dedicated to celebrating, and eating, ice cream is a pretty cool way to celebrate this delicious dessert. To help get the party started, try your hand at making one these six fabulous frozen delights...your tummy and taste buds will thank you!
The Future Is Here; See It Clearly.
The future of "window shopping" is now at your fingertips! Renewal by Andersen's new industry leading Augmented Reality tool makes it easy to examine different product lines, styles, and options right in your home. Our 3-D models can be selected and placed in your home, allowing you to see in real time what your windows or patio doors will actually look like.
Safer at Home
If there is any place in the world you should feel secure, it’s your home. And for many of us now, our houses are also our offices, schools, daycares, vacation spots, home gyms, and more. And while accidents are a part of life, we can all do our part to make them as infrequent as possible. Here are 50+ small things you can do to help make your corner of the world a little bit safer of a place to live (and play and work and work out and...).
Featured Video
It's a wrap on The Build TV, Anthony Carrino's new series. Check it out here!
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Hear from other homeowners and see what folks in your neighborhood are saying.