Pave the Pathway
When it comes to “fun and exciting” home improvement projects, driveways aren’t typically top of mind…but why not? After all, it’s your transition between the hectic outside world and the inner sanctuary of your private space. Check out some of the many options available for paving the pathway to your garage.
"I Don't Do Windows!"
“I don’t do windows.” But after this month's edition of "What's Out the Window" with producer, designer, and HGTV personality Laurie March, you're going to WANT to do windows. Check out her awesome ideas for fresh and clean fenestration (and the easiest homemade window cleaner recipe ever)!
Not Every Hero Wears a Cape: 2019 Fire Prevention Week
This year’s Fire Prevention Week (FPW) theme is: “Not every hero wears a cape: PLAN and PRACTICE your ESCAPE.” A solid fire escape plan should be the cornerstone of your family’s home safety toolkit. Find out the easy steps you can take to become a Superhero for your family today!
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What's in a signature? What are you expressing when you sign your name, put pen to paper?
Signature Stories
Hear from other homeowners and see what folks in your neighborhood are saying.