Renewal Cares
Partnership with Clear Path for VeteransOur team members at RbA of Central New York found a new way to support one of RbA’s core giving pillars: veterans. They recently struck up a new partnership with Clear Path for Veterans, an organization that works to enrich the lives of veterans while addressing the wellness and social issues they face, providing them with the opportunity to connect, restore, and grow. The Central New York team was introduced to this organization through one of their team members. A few members of the team were able to visit the organization at one of its canteen luncheons, a weekly free meal for veterans and their families and caregivers. They knew immediately that this was an organization they wanted to serve. “RbA of Central New York, our employees and leadership team have many personal connections to our active military and veterans,” said @Nicole Watts (Nicki), Talent Acquisition/HR Leader for RbA of Central New York. “When we learned about Clear Path for Veterans’ mission and passion to help our local veterans find peace and fulfillment in our community, we knew right away that supporting every aspect of their wellbeing aligned with our values and that our entire team would be proud to help us support them!” They plan to support Clear Path in 2023 and beyond by sponsoring events, hiring Clear Path’s referrals, and hosting company fundraisers to help the organization achieve goals and volunteer efforts. “Our short-term goal is to sponsor and volunteer at canteens and events, and our long-term goal is to assist Clear Path with their current goal of building an onsite kennel and living quarters for their in-house raised and trained service dog program.” -- Nicki Watts Congratulations, Central New York team, on your new partnership with Clear Path!