Valentine's Day Trivia
Valentine's Day is for friends, lovebirds...and trivia buffs Tastier then a box of chocolates, and far less likely to expand your waistline: entertain your friends and loved ones this Valentine's Day with some of these tasty trivia tidbits on love, romance, candy, and the holiday we love to hate…* *Cautionary note: If you are in the midst of the wooing process, we do not recommend you attempt to substitute trivia for an actual gift. This is generally not well received.💕 Long before the first greeting cards were ever sent, February was a month to celebrate love and its trappings… For the ancient Greeks, the period between mid-January and mid-February was the month of Gamelion, dedicated to the sacred marriage of Zeus and Hera.
💕 Lest the Greeks take all the credit, Valentine’s Day also has roots in the Roman fertility celebration of Lupercalia (February 13-15).
💕 While the holiday takes its name from a St. Valentine, history is muddy on specifically which St. Valentine: The Catholic Church recognizes at least three different saints named Valentine or Valentinus, all of whom were martyred. One legend refers to a St. Valentine who defied the Roman Emperor Claudius II by performing secret marriages, after Claudius had outlawed them (because single men made better soldiers during war time)—and then was executed for it.💕 Regardless of which St. Valentine is the patron saint of the greeting card industry today, the feast of St. Valentine was officially removed from the Roman Catholic Calendar of Saints in 1969.
Letters of Love
💕 The first recorded reference to Valentine's Day as a celebration of romantic love was in Geoffrey Chaucer's “Parlement of Foules” (1382), commemorating the first anniversary of the engagement of King Richard II of England to Anne of Bohemia.
For this was on seynt Volantynys day
Whan euery bryd comyth there to chese his make.
💕 The oldest surviving Valentine poem dates from 1415, and was written by Charles, Duke of Orleans to his wife, while the duke was imprisoned in the Tower of London following his capture at the Battle of Agincourt.
💕 Approximately 145 million Valentine’s cards change hands every year…but it is NOT the most popular greeting card holiday. That honor goes to Christmas.
💕 85% of Valentine’s Day cards are purchased by women (And 15% of women will send flowers…to themselves).
Tokens of My Affection
💕 According to Capital One and the annual National Retail Federation study, Consumers spent an estimated $25.8 billion on Valentine’s Day in 2024. $14.2 billion was spent on significant others, with the average spend per person for significant others and family members totaled $135.92, right on par with previous years.
But lest the rest of the world feel left out, $7.7 billion (or just shy of 30%) of 2024 Valentine’s Day spending was on gifts for friends, coworkers, pets, classmates, and teachers. Your boss, your neighbor, Fido, and Ms. Frizzle each got about $54.89 per person, down 11.5% from the previous year.
💕 Where did all the spending go? No matter who the Valentine's Day shopping spree is for (and it sounds like it's for a lot of people...and pets are people, too), the spending is quite diverse. Candy and cards remain the most popular Valentine’s gifts, consumers are also setting records on spending for jewelry, flowers, clothing and an evening out, as you can see in this historical trends spending graphic.
💕 There’s a reason the “granddaddy of them all” (aka the “Rose Bowl”) is in California. The home of the Tournament of Roses and Rose Parade produces approximately 60% of the roses grown in the United States. BUT…the majority of flowers purchased in the U.S. for Valentine's Day, however, are grown in South America. In the three weeks before Feb. 14, for example, close to 30 cargo planes a day fly between Columbia and Miami—each plane carrying a million roses.
💕 Giving a ring to your beloved is a tradition dating back to Roman times, but giving a diamond is relatively "recent": the first recorded occurrence of a diamond engagement ring was in 1477, when the Archduke Maximilian of Austria gave one to his fiancée, Mary of Burgundy.
💕 Approximately 9,000 (totally in love) couples take out a marriage license each year...and then fail to use it.
Sweet Treats
💕 When you think iconic Valentine's Day treats, you probably think of chocolate. But the tasty confection wasn't always a decadent candy--in fact, for most of its history, chocolate was a bitter beverage.
💕 The origin of the word "chocolate" has been traced to the Aztec word xocoatl—a bitter drink brewed from cacao beans.
💕 Chocolate first came to Europe in 1528, when Hernando Cortéz presented King Charles V of Spain with cocoa beans from the New World. Cortez also suggested adding sugar to the bitter drink—resulting in a delicacy reserved for the elite.
💕 The first Valentine's Day box of chocolates was introduced by Richard Cadbury in 1868.
💕 Daniel Chase (brother of NECCO® founder Oliver Chase) created the first “conversation hearts” in 1866. Now, from mid-February to January, NECCO® rolls out nearly 100,000 pounds of its iconic Sweethearts® every day—making it the most popular Valentine’s candy (yep—more than chocolate). More than 8 billion Sweethearts® means candy for everyone!